
tattoo aftercare

Tattoo aftercare is important to the healing, longevity and brightness of a tattoo. After years of tattooing and seeing tattoos we’ve done in the past, we are pleased with the results we get from our aftercare method. Also we recommend that you follow your artist’s specific directions because they know best how your tattoo was done and how it should heal. That being said, here is our method of aftercare.


In 1-3 hours, depending on your artist’s suggestion, take the bandage off of the tattoo and remove any excess grease with a clean paper towel.


Wash your hands and then wash the tattoo with soap and water. The temperature of the water can be as warm or cold as is you feel comfortable with.


Dry your tattoo with a clean dry paper towel and apply a small amount of salve to your tattoo, rubbing it in to make it a bit moisturized.


Do not re-bandage the tattoo. We recommend wearing loose fitting clothes over it if you want to protect it from contaminants in various situations like work or the gym.


Repeat the washing and salve process 3 times a day for 7-10 days.


Around day 3 to 4 in the healing process, you will start to peel much like a sunburn would peel. This is normal and lasts usually a day or two.


We highly recommend using STARSEED Tattoo Aftercare Salve for the healing process.


Vegan Friendly and Organic StarSeed tattoo Aftercare Salve for purchase now at Shred’s Inferno.

StarSeed has created an all natural tattoo aftercare salve for the healing of your new tattoo. This salve works to promote the regeneration of skin cells while soothing the skin’s irritation from getting a tattoo.  Unlike the harsh ointments that most artists recommend, StarSeed Aftercare Salve is gentle on skin so it can be used for the full healing time.  It eliminates the need to have to switch to a lotion, therefore, you are also saving money not having to buy multiple products.

Stop by Shred’s Inferno and pick yours up today!

1 ounce GLASS JARS $25

Shred's Inferno

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